The Holy Ghost Missionaries came to Bura in 1882 from France. As soon as they arrived, they started helping people in different ways; they taught religion, treated the sick and started orphanage for boys. These boys were taught different skills especially masonry and carpentry.
In 1909, Precious Blood Sisters came to Bura to help the priests in the work of evangelization. In the course of their work they opened a girl’s school, build a dispensary and other departments such as Home Science and orphanage for girls. The orphans who were admitted were infants. The first orphan to be admitted was premature, whose mother had died in child birth. The girls who were big enough were taught sewing, cooking, laundry, and house wifery as well as child care. These girls stayed in the orphanage till they were ready to marry or join sisterhood.
In 1928, Kenyan girls came to Bura to join sisterhood and they were taught the work of caring for the orphans. These Kenyan girls became the first sisters of the congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph. After some time the sisters of St. Joseph became independent and took over the orphanage and combined the girls and boys to form the present St. Joseph Children’s Home.
Currently we admit children orphaned during childbirth, those taken from streets as well as children from broken marriages. We also admit girls who run away from early marriages. These girls are taken to school.
We sisters of St. Joseph are happy to continue with the work started by early missionaries. We admit children not only from the locality but also from different parts of the country for example Kisumu, Kiambu, Kwale, Machakos, Kilifi, etc. Some of these children stay in the home until they are adults and can take care of themselves. Others are taken in by relatives while others are given for adoption. Presently, we have 26 children aged between 8 months and 16 years. We have 16 boys and 10 girls.
The following are some of the successes we have had since the home was started
- Through the home, the Sisters helped in the formation of many children who have gone on to become responsible citizens.
- Some of the children raised up here started families of their own and we have witnessed the fruits of priests and sisters from parents whom we brought up. It is a great joy for the Sisters to see the glory of God in the lives of the people they so carefully nurtured.
- Some of those raised up by Sisters hold prominent positions in the society and are themselves role models for many young people
- We have promising children in Primary and Secondary Schools and also in vocational training
Some of the problems faced by the management are as follows: